2024 Conference Speakers

Each year, OCEANetwork prayerfully seeks speakers to equip you to homeschool and to make the most of the unique family dynamics of home education. These are speakers who know homeschooling first-hand and their messages will inform and encourage.

Speaker Handouts
(Updated 6/4/24 - no other handouts are anticipated.)

Session: Teaching American Literature by Thelma English
- American Literature Selections
- American Literature Student Schedule

Sessoin: Teaching British / English Literature by Thelma English
- British Literature Book Selections
- British Literature Student Schedule


Hal and Melanie Young speaking at the 2022 Oregon Christian Home Education Conference with OCEANetwork

Rick Green

Patriot Academy

Bill Jack of Worldview Academy

Danny Craig



Joel & Roxanna Thomas

Beth Mora

Here to Help Learning

Joel & Roxanna Thomas

Forrest Mora

Here to Help Learning

Pat Roy & Kyle Justice

Bruce Malone

Search for the Truth Ministry

Patrick Nurre

Northwest Treasures

Thelma English

Thelma's Library

Tauna Meyer

Proverbial Homemaker

Corey Gilbert

Healing Lives Ministry

Erika Poston

Veteran Homeschool Mom