HB 2842, Occupational and Professional Licensing Equity Bill

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2017 Session – HB 2842, Occupational and Professional Licensing Equity Bill

Title: Contact House Business & Labor Committee Members

Urgent Action Requested: 1. Pray that a hearing for HB 2842 will be scheduled. 2. Email or call committee members to request a hearing on HB 2842.

Summary: At this time HB 2842 is has not been scheduled for a hearing in the House Business & Labor Committee. In order for to bill to progress, it needs to have a hearing in this committee.

Alert: Pray that the Lord will grant us favor with these Legislators and that this bill will strengthen homeschool freedom. Ask the committee members to please hold a hearing on this bill and move it to the House floor with a Do Pass recommendation. In your own words, give reasons that make sense to you. If you personally know of an instance where the current discrimination has hurt a homeschool graduate, then let the committee know. If one of the committee members is your Representative, let them know you are their constituent.

Who to contact: Business & Labor Committee Members

Chair Paul Holvey (D)

Representative Greg Barreto (R)

Representative Janelle Bynum (D)

Representative Dallas Heard (R)

Representative Julie Fahey (D)

Representative Jodi Hack (R)

Representative Paul Evans (D)

Representative Margaret Doherty (D)

Representative Bill Kennemer (R)

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Thank you for standing with OCEANetwork as we defend homeschooling freedoms in Oregon.

– The OCEANetwork Freedom Watch Committee

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HB 2842 corrects the inequality that exists between a homeschool and a public school diploma for the purpose of occupational and professional licensing in Oregon. HB 2842 is stalled without a hearing in the House Business & Labor Committee. The committee needs to hear from you that it is important for this bill to move forward.

Homeschool graduates are being discriminated against by government licensing agencies because a homeschool diploma is not considered as an “acceptable” alternative to a public high school diploma. So, homeschool graduates are forced to pass the GED test to obtain an occupational or professional license. Homeschooled electricians, plumbers, real estate brokers, private unarmed security guards, and law enforcement officers are among those required to get a GED.

This discrimination against homeschool graduates is wrong for the following reasons:

1. Private schools are less regulated than homeschoolers, yet their graduates are not required to get a GED. Only homeschoolers face this requirement.

2. Homeschoolers are fulfilling Oregon’s legal requirements for student education. That should be enough to honor their high school diplomas.

3. It is unfair to require homeschool graduates to demonstrate the details of high school proficiency years after graduation. Neither public school nor private school graduates are required to do so.

This bill stops the discrimination by making a homeschool diploma legally equivalent to a public school diploma for purposes of professional licensing in Oregon. It’s time to acknowledge that homeschool graduates deserve an equal opportunity to pursue occupational and professional licensing in Oregon.