
Supporting Membership

Make a difference! Become a Supporting Member

with OCEANetwork. You’ll get great perks while helping

to protect and expand homeschool freedoms in Oregon!

Start or Renew Your Supporting Membership


Supporting Membership

Make a difference! Become a Supporting Member with OCEANetwork. You’ll get great perks while helping to protect and expand homeschool freedoms in Oregon!

Start or Renew Your Supporting Membership

What is a Supporting Membership? 

OCEANetwork offers families an opportunity to support our work through a membership program!  For just $50, OCEANetwork Supporting Members receive exclusive benefits and discounts to bless their homeschools.


(Want to make a tax-deductible donation instead? Click here.)

Donations vs. Supporting Member Fees — What’s the Difference? 

  • A Supporting Membership costs $50 for the year and allows us to provide supporters with great beenfits and perks. The fee is not tax-deductible.
  • Donations are separate from membership fees and ARE tax-deductibe. You can donate here anytime during the year.
  • Our ability to serve Oregon homeschoolers depends on donations! Although we’re glad to provide the membershp program, we need your donations beyond those fees to continue protecting and expanding homeschool freedoms. 

Benefits of Becoming a Supporting Member

Sign up now to become a supporting member and receive all the following perks and benefits! Your membership fee will go toward supporting and protecting Oregon homeschoolers. 

Latest Additions (Added Winter 2025)

Circle C Adventures and Goldtown Adventures

$50 Off Portals Home Education: Get a $50 discount off of a one year subscription to Portals Home EducationYour subscription gets you access to ready-to-use lesson plans which can save you hours of planning time every week. You’ll have core lesson ideas, links, supplemental resources, conversation question prompts and engaging projects to go with every reading. With resources for K-12, you have access to all of the lesson plans that you need for each of your children! Portals also provides a call in ‘Hub Support’ line to help answer your questions, provide guidance on curriculum selection, and walk alongside you as you pursue the calling to educate your kids for Christ’s glory.

Circle C Adventures and Goldtown Adventures

20% Off Heritage Defense Membership: Heritage Defense is a non-profit legal advocacy organization dedicated to defending homeschool families in matters related to medical decisions, child discipline, and other non-homeschooling issues. Heritage Defense covers CPS matters for the whole case, including representation in court. Included in your OCEANetwork Supporting Membership is a 20% discount on your monthly or annual membership. (You may also be interested in checking out their FREE law and policy vault!)

More Great Benefits

Teacher ID Membership Card

Members will receive a laminated OCEANetwork Supporting Member card. Your membership card can be used as a Teacher ID card when applying to participate in educator discount programs at businesses that offer these programs to homeschool families. Cards are mailed around the end of each quarter to new and renewed members and are good for one year.

Here are just a few places where Oregon homeschoolers have been able to get discounts. (Contact each store for details as policies can change.)

Michaels 15% off.
JOANN 15% off regular-priced items
Half Price Books (hpb.com)
Office Max / Office Depot
Apple: Save on new Macs or iPads with education pricing

Do you know of other local or online stores that offer teacher discounts to homeschoolers? Contact us with that information so we can let other families know!

Oregon homeschool high school diploma and Oregon homeschool high school transcript, free with OCEANetwork Supporting Membership

Fillable Transcript and Diploma Templates

Getting ready to homeschool the high school years or are preparing your high schooler now for college? Members get a Oregon high school diploma template (fillable PDF) for the current school year and a high school transcript (fillable PDF or Excel spreadsheet). 

25% Off the Start Strong Oregon Online Course for Parents

Get 25% off our Start Strong Oregon course! This unique 14-day online course is designed to help new homeschoolers take flight. It includes videos, articles, and panel discussions with veteran homeschoolers who will walk you step-by-step through all the facets of successfully homeschooling your kids. Sometimes, the biggest challenge is simply where to begin. Start Strong Oregon is a two-week crash course to help you cut through the confusion.


U.S. Civics Guide for Oregon OCEANetwork

U.S. Civics Guide

Your Guide to U.S. Civics will walk you through ten units of learning about the people and documents that formed the foundation of our country, the different parts of our government, how laws are made, how elections work, our patriotic symbols, and much more. This guide is full of online links to videos and articles, as well as book, movie, and game suggestions.


PDP Notification Letter Generator

Notification of PDP Letter Generator

If you decide to use a Privately Developed Plan (PDP) with your special needs homeschool student, you must send a letter to the ESD notifying them of that. We recommend that the letter includes only the legally required information. OCEANetwork Supporting Members have access to a Notification of PDP Letter Generator form that will create a PDF of the letter and email it to them. 

PDP Evaluation Statement Generator

PDP Evaluation Statement Generator

If you’re using a PDP for your special needs student, your service provider will need to write an evaluation statement at the end of grades 3, 5, 8, and 10, and provide you a signed copy of it to submit to the ESD if they request it. We recommend that the statement includes only the legally required information. OCEANetwork Supporting Members have access to a PDP Evaluation Statement Generator that their service providers may use to generate that statement for them. 

$15 Off HSLDA Membership

The Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) is a national organization that advocates for homeschoolers at the local and federal level, with the vision of protecting the right of parents to direct the education of their children. OCEANetwork Supporting Members receive $15 off HSLDA memberships. 

$20 Off at Patriot Academy

Patriot Academy is once again offering OCEANetwork Supporting Members $20 off any product! Includes courses such as Biblical Citizenship, Constitution Alive!, and other resources that “equip a new generation of young people to become leaders in Federal, State, and local governments and to help bring our nation back to the principles on which we were founded.”

Homeschool History video channel from Notgrass History

FREE History App Access from NOTGRASS HISTORY

Homeschool History is a web-based app that saves you time and enhances your study of history, geography, government, and economics. As an OCEANetwork member, you can enjoy six months of access at no charge (a $15 value). Search and find links to videos, virtual tours, and games, plus get exclusive content.


Homeschool History is powered by the team at Notgrass History. The Notgrass Family are veteran homeschoolers on a mission to help other families teach the heart, soul, and mind. Notgrass History curriculum combines narrative lessons, primary source documents, historical novels and biographies, hands-on activities, and a Christian worldview.


$90 Off Schoolhouse Teachers

Get $90 off a Schoolhouse Teachers premium membership! You’ll have access to hundreds of courses for ALL subjects and ALL grade levels for your whole family! Includes downloadable lessons, streaming videos and ebooks, and more. PLUS a one-year PRINT subscription to This Old Schoolhouse magazine!

Circle C Adventures and Goldtown Adventures

Free Rock Identification Cards

This Rock Identification Card Deck by Northwest Treasures is a fun way to help your rockhound learn more about the rock types! It helps you to identify the four rock types: sedimentary, metamorphic, volcanic (igneous), and plutonic. Become more familiar with the look of granite, gabbro, diorite, granodiorite, shale, siltstone, sandstone, conglomerate, gneiss, schist, quartzite, marble, tuff, pumice, rhyolite, and basalt. With the complete deck (64 cards), you can play your own version of favorites like “Go Fish” and “Concentration.” 

Circle C Adventures and Goldtown Adventures

Freebies & Discounts from The HomeScholar

The HomeScholar – Lee Binz is an author and speaker providing products to help homeschool high school with confidence. 

Get 10%-50% off HomeScholar Resources! Lee has put together some fantastic discounts for several of her courses and other products, just for OCEANetwork Supporting Members!

Free Gift ($8 value!) – Members get a FREE ebook to learn more about homeschooling: How to Be a Better Home Educator! 


Circle C Adventures and Goldtown Adventures

Freebies & Discounts from Family Renewal, LLC

Family Renewal – Israel and Brooke Wayne are speakers and authors on homeschooling and Christian family life.

Members get a FREE copy of Israel Wayne’s audio recording of History of the Homeschooling Movement! They will also get a coupon code for 15% off their total purchase at the Family Renewal store



Expert Support and Resources for Special Needs Homeschooling

OCEANetwork Supporting Members will have access to expert support for homeschooling special needs students. Have questions about how to best homeschool your child, setting up an IEP/PDP, or getting a diagnosis? OCEANetwork has partnered with SPED Homeschooling to provide members with access to experts that will help!

Bonus Benefit: Need a PDP Service Provider? In addition to expert support, SPED Homeschool is providing Oregon parents access to PDP service providers that can help put together a PDP and provide the legally required evaluations. SPED Homeschool PDP services for Oregon are ONLY available to OCEANetwork Supporting Members and they have arranged for frugal pricing options as an extra blessing.

SchoolhouseTeachers.com: 3 Months FREE + Subscription Discounts

SchoolhouseTeachers.com is the curriculum site of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine that now offers more than 400 online and downloadable courses for students in preschool through high school. Their courses cover academic subjects from math and language arts to music and computer programming and so many others.  

OCEANetwork Supporting Members will get SchoolhouseTeachers FREE for three months with special continuation pricing for ongoing subscriptions. 


Online Class Recordings with Andrew Pudewa from IEW

The Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) has made special recordings of actual writing classes just for state homeschool organization members! You’ll be able to view four different classes covering grades 3 and up, all taught by Andrew Pudewa. In addition to recordings, source text handouts and checklist handouts will be available for download. 

We’ll be adding perks and benefits as they become available. Additions or changes to member benefits during the year will be emailed to you.

Why Support OCEANetwork?

We believe parents have the right and the responsibility to teach and train their children as they see fit. 

OCEANetwork works year-round to protect the freedoms of all homeschoolers in Oregon.

We believe that parents are the most qualified to educate their children well. 

OCEANetwork provides events, services, and resources to support families on their homeschool journey and help them succeed. 

We believe that independent homeschooling is the best education model for families academically, socially, and spiritually.

OCEANetwork encourages family discipleship, helping parents raise up children for the Lord.

We believe that your children do not belong to the state. The Lord has entrusted them to you and will equip you for the task.

You can help protect homeschool freedoms in Oregon AND enjoy the benefits of being an OCEANetwork Supporting Member!


Why Support OCEANetwork?

We believe parents have the right and the responsibility to teach and train their children as they see fit. 

OCEANetwork works year-round to protect the freedoms of all homeschoolers in Oregon.

We believe that parents are the most qualified to educate their children well.

OCEANetwork provides events, services, and resources to support families on their homeschool journey and help them succeed.

We believe that independent homeschooling is the best educational model for families academically, socially, and spiritually.

OCEANetwork encourages family discipleship, helping parents raise up children for the Lord.

We believe that your children do not belong to the state. The Lord has entrusted them to you and will equip you for the task.

You can help protect homeschool freedoms in Oregon AND enjoy the benefits of being an OCEANetwork Supporting Member
