Paul Telfer
Featured Speaker
*** Update: Download session handouts provided by Paul.
Paul Telfer
Paul is a retired Salem Fire Department captain and paramedic. During his 28 years with the department, he spent five years as a paramedic on the Salem Police SWAT Team. He grew up as a preacher’s kid and moved every few years. As a teenager, he lost his father in a car accident. During this difficult time, he met his future wife, Diane, and they were married after Paul finished college. They homeschooled their three children, who are grown and on their own journeys giving Paul & Diane six grandchildren to enjoy. Paul teaches a family Sunday School class and speaks often at adult and youth events. Paul and Diane currently make their home in a rural area south of Dallas, Oregon.
Living Well in Exile – Jeremiah 29:4-14 – A Hope and a Future
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “Plans to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” This is the first in a series of five sessions geared for teens based on Jeremiah 29:4-14.
Living Well in Exile: The Hope–Is Your Faith Strong?
Adventures from retired Fire Captain Paul’s years of fire service will challenge you to move from borrowed faith to owning your own faith. Making your faith your own is the way to secure your hope–without hope there is no future!
Living Well in Exile: Developing Your Benchmarks
Would you leave your children in the care of a total stranger? One mom did. Come find out why. Paul will give principles for developing your own benchmarks by which to determine your purpose, life plan, and commitments as you move into the adult world. God has a plan for you on this twisting road of life.
Living Well in Exile: Relationships
Relationships influence your future–Mule Kick Mark’s story will emphasize the importance of having shared values and beliefs but different skills and talents. This session will guide you in choosing, developing, and maintaining relationships, including marriage, the most important earthly relationship of all.
Living Well in Exile: Choosing an Occupation
Maximizing service to your community through your occupation: This session shares how to choose your occupation and use it for the benefit of your fellow man. Paul shares the many twists and turns on his road to serving God and his fellow man as a firefighter. He will give guidance for you as you embark on this road yourself.
Living Well in Exile: Using the Future
Discover the Amazing asset that every teen has. The question is, “How are you going to use it?” Both good decisions and bad decisions compound with time. Paul will help you to avoid being short-sighted like the bank robber in his story. Come learn how to maximize the benefit of your greatest asset.