Affiliate Your Support Group With OCEANetwork

The Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network, also known as OCEANetwork, is a state-wide volunteer service organization for Christian homeschoolers in Oregon. One of our main goals is to provide support and encouragement to Oregon support group leaders. One of the primary ways we do that is through the OCEANetwork Support Group Affiliation Program.

OCEANetwork Affiliated Group Qualifications: 

  • Are homeschool support groups or co-ops, as defined below.
  • Group leaders agree with OCEANetwork’s statement of faith and statement of purpose. (This requirement is not imposed on your support group members.)
  • Group leaders solely participate in and encourage independent homeschooling, as defined below. (This requirement is not imposed on your support group members.)
  • Share OCEANetwork resources and events with their groups on a regular basis.
  • Contact OCEANetwork when any leadership changes are made or group qualifications change, as well as provide any updates upon request.
  • Encourage members to become annual Supporting Members and/or recurring donors.
  • Conduct group activities in such a way that honors the Lord Jesus Christ.


  • Independent Homeschooling: parent-led and parent-funded home education, where families submit their letter of intent to homeschool and do not enroll in public or private schools. Note: Affiliation is not extended to charter schools, private schools, or public (government-funded) school-at-home programs.
  • Support Group: Primarily exists for parental support, encouragement, and social connections.
  • Co-op: Parents volunteer their time to cooperatively teach their group of homeschool students. All classes are taught by parent volunteers rather than paid teachers and parents stay on location with their children (no drop-off model). 

Benefits of Affiliation:

  • HSLDA discount for group leaders and group members
  • Free OCEANetwork annual conference admission for up to 2 leaders per group
  • Periodic events / resources provided for leaders by OCEANetwork
  • Featured listing on the OCEANetwork “Find a Local Homeschool Group” page
  • Leaders of Affiliated Support Groups have ready access to OCEANetwork board members for counsel, advice, or encouragement.
  • OCEANetwork Board Members gladly travel to your support group to meet with leaders or to speak to members on a host of issues ranging from beginning homeschooling to current political action.

Non-Affiliated Groups and Resources

Although group affiliation has a specific definition and purpose as described above, we recognize that there are other groups and resources for independent homeschoolers that parents may wish to know about but that may not necessarily qualify for affiliation.

We invite leaders of those groups, including sports groups, hybrids, co-ops with paid teachers or drop-off models, private online programs, microschools, choirs, Facebook groups, etc., to consider posting in our Homeschooling in Oregon Marketplace FB group and on the “Share and Find Homeschool Groups & Co-Ops” featured post in our Homeschooling in Oregon FB group. Please note the guidelines for those groups when joining and posting.