Rick Green

Keynote Speaker
Rick Green

Rick Green is known as America’s Constitution Coach. He is a former Texas State Representative, national speaker, author and radio/podcast host. He and his family travel the nation bringing America’s forgotten history and heroes to life in fun and entertaining ways, with an emphasis on our moral and constitutional heritage. Rick co-hosts the national daily radio program, WallBuilders Live!, with David Barton. Rick’s family also produced Chasing American Legends, an entertaining reality show traveling with comedian Brad Stine and the Green family as they investigate history’s mysteries and the American story.

Rick is the author and executive producer of Constitution Alive, America’s most engaging and entertaining study of the U.S. Constitution, as well as Biblical Citizenship In Modern America, Biblical instruction for a free people.

Along with his wife, Kara, Rick is the founder of Patriot Academy, an elite leadership training program specializing in applied civics with a Biblical, historical and constitutional foundation. Through their more than 15,000 Constitution Coaches, they are training and empowering adults across the nation to educate their communities about the Constitution.

Rick & Kara have 4 grown children and three grandchildren.

Rick’s general sessions:

  • Hope is Alive!
  • How America Can Again be One Nation Under God

Rick’s workshops:

  • With All Your Mind (Mark 12:30)
  • Teaching Civics in a Fun and Purposeful Way (yes, you can do both!)
  • Raising Leaders with Moral Clarity in a World of Moral Relativism
  • Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World


Hope is Alive!

With so much cultural discord and upheaval, it can be easy to give into despair if we lose sight of our true source of HOPE. Like the Men of Issachar, we must understand the times and know what to do. Join Rick for this promising session as he shares strategies for families to understand and navigate the current state of our country with a Biblical, Constitutional, & Historical perspective full of JOY & HOPE! Together, we’ll train up a generation of leaders who are ready to fight for our freedom and spread HOPE throughout their communities.

How America Can Again be One Nation Under God

In this most popular of Rick’s presentations, Rick shares a look at our founding fathers, our courts, and our founding documents to take a historical perspective on the current debate regarding whether or not our nation was founded on Biblical principles and how that founding should affect current public policy, and whether our faith should be part of both our private and public lives.

With All Your Mind (Mark 12:30)

The Bible has always told us to think on those things which are noble and good and true, to let the weak say they are strong, that as a man thinketh so is he, and on and on… Now, neurological science is proving the Bible right once again as it reveals to us how God designed the brain to be renewed, literally re-wired and re-trained. When we intentionally, purposefully, consistently wash our thoughts with His Word and program our computer with His promises, the brain is literally remade…the old neurological connections are overridden with new ones and we truly replace the old man with what Paul called the new man. Learn how to practically replace bad habits, how to restore a joyful attitude, and how to instill your children with one of the most important life skills of all… renewing the mind!

Teaching Civics in a Fun and Purposeful Way (yes, you can do both!)  

Government, history, economics…these topics usually put students AND parents to sleep, yet they are some of the most important things we’ll teach if we expect the next generation to be good citizens and preserve the republic. In this presentation, Rick shares tips and methods for bringing history and civics to life, keeping it fun, engaging the students, seeking truth, and making the lessons count for generations to come.

Raising Leaders with Moral Clarity in a World of Moral Relativism

Homeschooling parents are well aware of the shocking statistics of how many of our kids walk away from the faith and values upon which they were raised. The world around them has embraced moral relativism. If the Biblical values that built western civilization are to be restored, the next generation must be equipped to be counter-culture revolutionaries for truth, justice, and the old American way.

Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World

Let’s face facts. There is a culture war going on for your child’s heart and soul. With the internet, on-demand entertainment of every variety possible and online gaming bombarding our children and attempting to make an assault on their minds daily, what are parents to do? In today’s ever-changing economic and social climate, how do parents find the balance necessary to positively raise their children? Zig Ziglar, success coach to multiple generations and mentor to Rick Green, devoted much of his career providing so many golden nuggets and guidelines that we still need today to face life’s parental challenges. Rick and Kara Green give much credit to Zig’s Biblically-based, scientifically-sound strategies in helping them to raise children who remained teachable through the “teenage” years and now the Greens want to share Zig’s wealth of wisdom with a new generation including YOU! While there is certainly not any kind of perfect, magic formula for raising kids, these strategies will absolutely, positively improve the relationships in your home.

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