
Rick Boyer

Keynote Speaker
Rick Boyer

Rick Boyer wears many hats. Parents know him as a speaker/author who tackles the challenges of parenting head-on. He offers practical, effective solutions based on Scripture and over 40 years of parenting experience. He and his wife, Marilyn, are the authors of many popular books on parenting as well as the Bible-based Character Concepts curriculum.

 To homeschooled kids, Rick is “Uncle Rick,” a dynamic storyteller who brings Scripture and history to colorful life and turns them into delightful, life-changing character lessons. Check out his audio recordings at UncleRickAudios.com.


Your Family – A Future and a Hope (Opening session on Friday morning)
In Jeremiah 29, God’s people have experienced judgment and find themselves living in the midst of a hostile culture. God promises to deliver them in His time and directs them to establish homes, build families, and seek the welfare of the city in which they are living. God has a plan for restoring a godly culture. And your family has a part in it.

The Kids We Need Today (Closing session on Saturday)
Every parent wants great things for his children. Yet all around, we see young people without purpose or vision, addicted to shallow amusements, and with no passion for worthy goals. Come and learn how to motivate your children to greatness. They were born for such a time as this.

Boys Will Be Men
Eighty percent of the children labeled “Learning Disabled” in school are boys. That’s why wise parents understand that the confinement, boredom, and regimentation of school should be avoided if boys are to thrive. The key to understanding and cooperating with the drives God has built into boys is recognizing that boyhood is preparation for the roles of family protector, provider, and leader that naturally and biblically fall upon men. We must understand that we are not raising boys but training future men if we are to make boyhood the exciting and profitable season of life that God intended it to be.

Proverbs – The Ultimate Parenting Book
Have you ever felt lost amid all the “stuff” that is marketed to homeschoolers, confused by the many voices telling you to do it this way or that way? There’s no need to panic. The wisest man in history has some advice to offer. Hear powerful, practical solutions that will help you get your priorities straight. God wrote the Proverbs for parents just like YOU. 

The Killer “B” Whose Sting Poisons Relationships
It’s quiet but deadly. It can poison a whole family when no one knows it’s there. It dampens affection, kills communication, and leaves hearts wounded and hurting. It is the number one reason marriages break up, and parents lose their children’s hearts. The Bible describes it as a “root” that springs up and defiles many. In this talk, Rick Boyer explains how the poison of bitterness damages relationships and how the grace of God can put them back together again. Peace and love in your home are not just a dream. 

20 Things to Teach Your Children Before They Leave Home 
Academics are important, but they are not the key to a successful life. When your children grow up and leave your home, you want to make sure they have learned the life lessons that will serve them well for time and eternity. This workshop discusses the issues that matter most in life and how you can pass them on to your children in the brief time you have with them.

Uncle Rick’s Storytime (lunchtime session)
Children love stories, and that’s why they love Uncle Rick! Kids sit spellbound, and history comes alive when Uncle Rick paints his wonderful word pictures. So bring your kids and hear the greatest adventures of American history—the marvelous, exciting true stories that have inspired children for generations and still thrill young hearts today.

In the Valley of “How Long?”
“How long, O LORD? Wilt Thou forget me forever?” This was the cry of David’s heart in Psalm 13. Most of us have been there. As a parent, you will probably encounter seasons when life is just too much, and you despair of ever feeling that you’re up to the challenge of raising godly children in a hostile world. But God had a solution for David, and He has the same grace available to you. Come and hear how disappointment and tragedy were turned into victory in a homeschooling parent’s life.

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