
Whether you’re just getting started homeschooling, are a veteran looking for some tips, or somewhere in between, we want to help! Here are our recommended homeschooling resources just for you.

Get Started Homeschooling

Getting started is sometimes scary, sometimes exciting, sometimes dreaded, but always rewarding when done with forethought. Start at the top of this list and get an idea of how to begin homeschooling with a purpose, with a vision, with a goal, and with peace of mind. Look at our tips for how to get started homeschooling in Oregon for a great beginning to your journey!

Homeschool Law

Homeschooling is legal in all 50 states, but Oregon is the one you need to be interested in. Each family who decides to homeschool is responsible to know the homeschool law. The law is not difficult, but if you don’t follow it, you would be in violation of the compulsory attendance law and your child could be considered truant. It’s important to stay informed! Click here to find out what you need to know about homeschooling law in Oregon.

Past Conference Recordings

Listen to practical and encouraging sessions from past OCEANetwork conferences! You’ll find fantastic speakers that will help you plan for the coming year or give you a breath of fresh air in the middle of your homeschooling efforts. We know you will be blessed by them! Click here to see the full listing of available recordings.

Read OCEANetwork Articles

We are working to provide you great tips and encouragement for your homeschool journey! Find the latest post and articles on the OCEANetwork blog.

Join the Homeschool Legal Defense Association

HSLDA provides legal help and assistance on homeschool matters to member families. Even if your family never needs their assistance, your membership dues helps to protect homeschool families around the nation. (Support groups affiliated with OCEANetwork get a discount!)

Still Have Questions? Contact Us!

We’d love to hear from you! Whether you’re wondering about homeschool law or looking at getting started, please contact us! As we are a completely volunteer organization, we are not able to respond every day, but we will do our best to answer each request within 24 hours. Click here for contact information.