“Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.
Proverbs 16:3

This year we’ve all faced some unique challenges, haven’t we? As hard as it was to make the decision to cancel the conference in Albany, we are happy to announce that now through April 2021 Oregon homeschoolers can attend our first ever online conference! You will enjoy fantastic speakers, practical and encouraging sessions, virtual exhibitor halls, and more.

>> Register and access content anytime through April 2021**Note that OCEANetwork Supporting Families get access for FREE! SIgn up here to become a Supporting Family.    

>> The conferece includes speaker sessions, a fun Kids’ Corner, and virtual exhibitor booths, all avaiable through April 2021 once you’ve registered!  

>> Extra features include a fun Kids’ Corner with special sessions and downloads, daily prayer and worship, and a virtual exhibitor hall to shop.  

We hope you are blessed by the conference this year! 

~ The OCEANetwork Team   


<center><b><a href="https://sso.teachable.com/secure/528784/users/sign_in?clean_login=true" target="_blank">Already registered? Click here to login.</a></b></center>

Conference Speakers 

Ray and Charlene Notgrass

Diana Waring

Mike Donnelly

Lee Binz

Leah Nieman

Ginny Yurich

Elizabeth Urbanowicz

Nancy Manos

Copper Webb

Sheila Carroll

Brett Monk

Movie Director & Homeschool Dad

Kathie Morrissey

<center><b><a href="https://sso.teachable.com/secure/528784/users/sign_in?clean_login=true" target="_blank">Already registered? Click here to login.</a></b></center>
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