Homeschool Freedom Watch

Homeschool Freedom Watch: Protecting Homeschool Freedoms

Homeschooling thrives because of the freedom it gives parents to do what is best for their children—freedom to tailor-make their children’s education match their learning styles, interests, and abilities. But that freedom comes at a price—eternal vigilance.

Vigilance is a team effort. OCEANetwork acts as eyes and ears in Salem. The Freedom Watch committee submits and advocates for bills that would increase homeschool freedom. OCEANetwork Freedom Watch volunteers read the summary of every bill submitted to the legislature. Other volunteers monitor the Department of Education.

When legislation or rules come up that threaten homeschool freedom in Oregon, OCEANetwork notifies homeschool families through our homeschool Freedom Watch emails, which go out to all our newsletter subscribers.

Yours is the voice that makes the difference. OCEANetwork can help you identify bills and issues, but it is your calls and letters that make the difference. View the most recent alerts that OCEANetwork sent out to our email list.

We must work together to protect the freedom that allows us to homeschool our children. Sign up for emails that include homeschool Freedom Watch alerts.

Current Alerts

Find a list of most recent political alerts issued by OCEANetwork as we monitor legislation in the Oregon capitol that may impact homeschooling families.

Apple Pie Day

Apple Pie Day happens every other year and is a time when homeschoolers in Oregon come together to visit legislators legislators and the governor, delivering home-baked apple pies and packets of information promoting home education. Apple Pie Day is a wonderful way for families to participate in efforts to protect and expand homeschool freedoms in Oregon!
