Find a support group for homeschooling in Oregon


One of the best things you can do for your homeschool is to get connected to other homeschoolers. Gain insights from those that have gone before. Work together to provide classes and opportunities a single family could not accomplish. Encourage one another to stay the course. Meet like-minded families to provide socialization opportunities for your children.

OCEANetwork maintains a list of Affiliated Support Groups in Oregon and SW Washington. These groups meet the following qualifications, among others, and have been approved for affiliation with OCEANetwork:

OCEANetwork Affiliated Group Qualifications: 

  • Are homeschool support groups or co-ops, as defined below.
  • Group leaders agree with OCEANetwork’s statement of faith and statement of purpose. (Whether this applies to all group members is up to the discretion of group leaders.)
  • Group leaders solely participate in and encourage independent homeschooling, as defined below. (Whether this applies to all group members is up to the discretion of group leaders.)
  • Conduct group activities in such a way that honors the Lord Jesus Christ.


  • Independent Homeschooling: parent-led and parent-funded home education, where families submit their letter of intent to homeschool and do not enroll in public or private schools. Note: Affiliation is not extended to charter schools, private schools, or public (government-funded) school-at-home programs.
  • Support Group: Primarily exists for parental support, encouragement, and social connections.
  • Co-op: Parents volunteer their time to cooperatively teach their group of homeschool students.

Note: There may be wonderful groups that do not fall within the categories we've defined, but our team does not currently have the volunteer staffing to vet them. See the "Looking for More Groups?" section below for other options.

Click here to apply for group affiliation.

IMPORTANT: OCEANetwork provides this listing as a courtesy to the affiliated groups and website readers looking for like-minded groups for their homeschool. Inclusion doesn’t necessarily constitute OCEANetwork endorsement of the group beyond the information that has been provided to us; parents are encouraged to research the philosophy and practices of any group considered. The information listed on this page is not to be duplicated or used by solicitors. Groups may be removed from this listing at any time without comment.

Current OCEANetwork Affiliated Groups

Clackamas County

  • Clackamas County Christian Homeschoolers (CCCH) - We are a homeschool group that supports all homeschoolers in Clackamas County. The purpose of our group is to get local homeschool families connected with one another and to share events/activities geared toward homeschooling and education. A goal forthe group is to create enjoyable opportunities for kids (and parents), to make friends, and for parents to get the resources and information available in the community. Please visit our Facebook page,  Clackamas County Christian Homeschoolers, or contact us here.
  • First Class Clackamas Teens (FCCT) - First Class Clackamas Teens is an academic community for homeschool teens.  We offer Monday classes with experienced engaging tutors, and monthly events and field trips.  We have identified three core principles that guide our program: affordable, Christ-centered, and partners with parents.  Find more details at
  • Molalla Homeschoolers - Connect with veteran homeschoolers in Molalla who can answer questions or connect you to regional homeschoolers. Contact them here.

Clark County

  • Clark County Home Educators (CCHE2) - Clark County Home Educators has served Clark Co. since 1988. We meet the second Monday of each month at 7pm. Our newsletter, Facebook page, and contact information may be accessed at

Columbia County

  • Anchored Christian Homeschool Co-op - We are a Christ centered co-op that meets once a week in Scappoose. Mission Statement: The purpose of this co-op is to create a community for the shared homeschool education of our children that is safe and rooted in Jesus. We desire to collectively provide educational enrichment classes and Godly fellowship for our homeschool children. (Hebrews 10:24, 1 Peter 4:10, Proverbs 27:17) Contact Anchored Christian Homeschool Co-pp here for more information.
  • Together Offering Resources as Christian Homeschoolers (TORCH) - TORCH (Together Offering Resources as Christian Homeschoolers) is a Christian homeschooling group in the Scappoose, St. Helens, and Rainier areas that strives to unite local homeschoolers; give support and fellowship to parents; and offer opportunities for friendships, field trips, and educational enrichment for our children.  It is led by parent volunteers who organize activities of interest to their families and then invite other members to participate with them.  Members are kept informed of TORCH happenings by a monthly electronic newsletter and email updates, while further conversations between members occur on our Facebook page. Membership is renewed annually and a small fee is charged to cover expenses. A directory for TORCH members is published annually and, in an effort to familiarize ourselves with each other, includes family pictures and contact information.  Member participation in TORCH activities is encouraged but not required.   TORCH strives to give glory to God and to be a blessing to its members.  Contact TORCH here

Curry County

  • Brookings HomeSchool Cooperative - We are group of homeschool families from Crescent City, CA to Gold Beach, OR. We offer 3- 9 week terms of classes and activities through out the school year. Meets at Grace Bible Church in Brookings. We count on family participation and help to make the classes and activities happen. Classes and activities vary each term. Our goal is to offer support, encouragement, camaraderie, and opportunity to the homeschool community on the Southern OR coast. (We also have a room full of donated curriculum, and we are happy to provide help with that.) To learn more, contact us here.

Deschutes County

  • Central Oregon Christian Home Educators (COCHE) - This e-list is open to all Christian homeschoolers who live in the Central Oregon area, regardless of their level of experience, the ages of their children, or the particular curriculum resources that they use.  Our discussion is wide-ranging and varied in scope.  We have come together for Support, Ideas, Prayer, and Fellowship with other home educators.  To subscribe sign up here.

Douglas County

  • Home Educators of Roseburg, Oregon (HERO) - Serving greater Douglas County, HERO offers activities and support to local homeschooling families through mentoring, mom support, prayer hotline, and monthly homeschool skate.  For more information, contact us here.

Hood River County

  • Learning to Individualize Family Education in the Gorge (LIFE) - We are an open homeschool support group with Christian leadership. We have a semi-annual 9 week home-school co-op as well as various field trips and other activities scattered throughout the year. For more information please contact us here

Jackson County

  • Jackson County Home Educators (JCHE) - JCHE is a group dedicated to encouraging homeschoolers in Jackson County.  We support all styles of home education, but especially encourage and promote private independent home schooling.  For more information, please contact us here.

Jefferson County

  • Madras Homeschoolers (MHS) - Do you have questions regarding homeschooling, need encouragement, or information on resources available in the area?  Connect with Madras Homeschoolers and contact us here.

Josephine County

  • Josephine County Contact (JCC) - Connect with Josephine County homeschoolers using this contact form here or check out our Facebook page: Grants Pass Homeschoolers.

Lincoln County

  • Lincoln County Home Educators (LCHE) - We are an inclusive homeschool group serving the central Oregon coast.  We have a Facebook page where we post helpful links, activities and meet & greets.  Connect with us by contacting us hereWe would love to meet you.

Linn County

  • Albany Christian Homeschool Group (ACHG) - The Albany Christian Home School Group meets weekly in the fall and winter for a co-op with a variety of classes for all ages. We try to have field trips in the spring and occasional social gatherings outside of our co-op. We host park days over the summer. Contact us here.

Marion County

  • CLASS ACTS Home School Co-op (CLASSACTS) - Class Acts Home School Coop meets every Wednesday at Grace Baptist Church in Salem.  We are committed to the evangelism and discipleship of the next generation.  We also endeavor to teach from a Christ-centered Biblical Worldview. Contact us here.
  • Salem Area Christian Home School Network (SACHSN) - Salem Area Christian Home School Network (SACHSN) has an active homeschool Facebook Group. We also hold monthly meetings during the academic year.  Contact us here.

Multnomah County

  • First Class East Gresham (FCEG) - Students, kindergarten-12th grade, have the opportunity to take 3 classes, one day a week for 8-10 weeks, two times a year (fall and spring). Classes are taught by parents in the co-op.  This is a closed campus, meaning one parent per family stays and participates either by teaching or helping in a class. Go to the FCEG website for more information and to contact us.

Polk County

  • Polk Christian Home Educators (PCHE) - Polk Christian Home Educators (PCHE) hosts a homeschool Facebook Group as well as a variety of connecting events throughout the year. Our goal is to encourage and connect independent Christian homeschoolers. Contact us here.

Umatilla County

  • Eastern Oregon Christian Home Educators (EOCHE) - We are a free, informal homeschool support group looking to connect with others and grow.  We do field trips and activities in the Eastern Oregon area. Contact us here.
  • Forging Paths Homeschool Co-op (FPHSC) - We are a faith-based homeschool co-op, passionate about forging the truth of God's Word in the hearts and lives of families by providing a place of enrichment, fellowship, and support for the families who are home-educating. Learn more and contact us through our website

Union County

  • Union County Christian Home Educators (UCCHE) - UCCHE (Union County Christian Home Educators) communicates primarily as a group on the Homeschool Hub using the UCCHE acronym.  Potential members can find the group on the Hub (search for UCCHE) and request to be added to it. The group is closed, so membership must be approved. Contact us here.
  • Special Needs Homeschooling E-OR Christian Home Educators (SNEast) - We are a group of families coming together on social media to encourage each other in the amazing and sometimes daunting journey of home-educating our children with special needs. Connect on Facebook in our Special Needs Homeschooling : Eastern Oregon Christian Home Educators Group or contact us here.

Washington County

  • CHOC Board (CHOC) - The CHOC Board is an interactive online resource and support center for Christian homeschoolers in the Portland metro area.  Contact us through our website.
  • Firmly Planted Westside (FP Westside) - Firmly Planted Co-op is a Christian Homeschool Co-op based in Tigard.  We desire to be a ministry that partners with and encourages homeschooling families on the westside.  We meet throughout the year for a variety of events including Monday School field trips, and summer activities.  Please see our webpage for more information.
  • Coalition of Christian Homeschool Families (COACH Family) - The Coalition of Christian Homeschool Families is located in Washington County and includes members from the surrounding areas. Our mission is to encourage with Proverbs 22:6-"Train up children in the way they should go: and when they are old, they will not depart from it." As a traditional homeschool group we are not schedule-intensive. We encourage each other through online ideas and planning, resources, and hosting 3-4 academic and social in person activities a year. Our members also organize some pretty cool events. We encourage a multi-generational and whole family approach to homeschooling and it shows in our events. We are excited to have members from 20 area churches. We are always accepting new members so please check out our website and Statement of Faith. Ad Dia Gloriam. Please see our website for more information and to contact us.
  • Bridges Connects Co-Op - Seeking a homeschool experience that mirrors Acts 2 community? Located in West Hillsboro, Bridges Connects is your Christ-centered haven, where faith, learning, and fellowship converge every Thursday. Our parent-led co-op desires to empower you as your child's primary teacher while offering classes, optional professional support, and a tapestry of enriching events—from Bible groups to hoe-downs, from field trips to family camp. More than a support group, we're a koinonia where families share knowledge, bear burdens, and celebrate milestones together. Whether you homeschool part-time or full-time, Bridges Connects transforms your solitary path into a shared, joy-filled journey toward truth, growth, and Christ-like character. Join us, and let's build educational bridges that lead our children to wisdom, service, and the heart of God. Contact Bridges Connects Co-Op to learn more

Yamhill County

  • Enjoy Learning Together (ELT) (McMinnville) - E.L.T. (Enjoy Learning Together) is a Christian homeschooling co-op meeting weekly in McMinnville, Oregon. For additional information, please contact us here.

Looking for More Groups?

We have invited leaders of those groups, including sports groups, hybrids, private online programs, microschools, choirs, Facebook groups, etc., to consider posting in our Homeschooling in Oregon Marketplace FB group and on the “Share and Find Homeschool Groups & Co-Ops” featured post in our Homeschooling in Oregon FB group. Go to those locations for more group options and resources.

Although group affiliation has a specific definition and purpose as described above, we recognize that there are other groups and resources for independent homeschoolers that parents may wish to know about but that may not necessarily qualify for affiliation.