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SACHSN Used Curriculum Sale

June 4, 2019 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm



DATE: Tuesday, June 4, 2019

TIME:  1:00-4:00 pm

LOCATION: Peoples Church, 4500 Lancaster Dr NE, Salem.

ENTRANCE: $2.00 suggested donation per family (All donations are given to Peoples Church for the use of their facility. Please be generous!)

CONTACT PEOPLE (please understand if return contact takes up to 1-3 days, sometimes more, as the volunteers who organize the sale have families to take care of and life events that happen:

SELLER NUMBER CONFIRMATION & Book Selling Questions: Kim Lopez, Assistant Coordinator (& author of “Ask the Bookseller”) (e-mail preferred)  cell: 503-367-9586 (texts welcome)

GENERAL INFORMATION: Karna Garman, Coordinator-   (e-mail preferred)  cell: 503-580-6584


NOTE:  New items and changes are included here AND detailed at the end of document

  1. Get Your Seller Number:  E-mail Kim to get/confirm your number for the sale-one seller per address.  Even if you have a previous number, you still need to let her know you will be participating. If you have not sold in the last 2 years, your number has/will be passed on to someone else. You will need a new number if you want to participate this year.
  2. Drop Off Items: There are two times you may bring your items! Drop off on Monday afternoon between 4:30 and 6:00 p.m. (day before sale) or on the sale day between 10:30 and 11:45 a.m. (earlier cut-off). Only small quantity drop-offs allowed after 11:45 and we will not be accepting further drop-offs after 12:00 pm. We will have a crew ready in the lobby to accept your items and you are free to leave until the sale begins. There are no early sales at this time. If you cannot be there, have a friend bring your items and pick them up for you.
  3. Please only bring sale worthy resources. To ease overcrowding on the sales floor, items that are excessively damaged (including musty or smoky smelling), not related to the given categories, or deemed not marketable may be removed from the sale and held for pick up at the close of the event.  We are NO longer accepting VHS and Cassette Tapes (unless it’s part of a curriculum deemed sale worthy – in demand and/or not outdated).  PLEASE don’t bring items you’ve had in the sale for 2-3 years without success. 
  4. Preparing Your Items: To be accepted for the sale, each resource MUST have a 3×5 card (CARD STOCK) taped securely with painters tape OR quality Scotch tape ONLY on TWO sides.  Card needs to be on the FRONT with the following:
    1. YOUR NUMBER Written in the upper left hand of the 3×5 card. (This is the # you received from Kim.)
    4. pastedGraphic.png
    5. PRICE YOU ARE ASKING Minimum price is $0.50 with $0.25 increments beyond that.  85% of the selling price goes to you; 15% goes to SACHSN/SACHSN LIBRARY. No item will be sold if it appears a price has been changed.  If you decide to change the price, please attach a new card. 
    6. SET DESIGNATION For anything that is part of a set being and being sold as a set: Attach a 3×5 card on TWO sides ONLY to each item and indicate that it is part of a set (1 of 3, 2 of 3,…) The price should ONLY be on the front card. Bundle the set together using at least 2 rubber bands OR placing in an appropriate sized storage bag. Please note if you know something is missing from a set, specify that on the card so the buyer is aware.
  1. Payment: Bring a self-addressed, stamped, ADHESIVE SEAL ENVELOPE. (Put your address in both the sender and the receiver areas and include your seller number in the top left corner by your return address.) Let us know if someone else will be picking up your unsold resources. A check for your earnings will be mailed within 7 to 10 days (amounts $2 and under will be considered a donation to SACHSN and no payment will be issued). Your 3×5 cards will be included in your envelope unless it is overweight. You must contact Karna within 10 days of the sale if you would like to pick up your cards, otherwise they will be recycled.
  2. After Sale Pick-Up: Your unsold books should be ready to be picked up by 5:30 pm the evening of the sale. Any items left after 6:00 will be considered donated to the SACHSN Library.

Sellers with large quantities must come no later than 5:15 to pick up unsold items so you can verify your materials before boxing them.  We will let you know upon drop-off if your quantity of material meets this requirement (it’s usually those bringing 10 or more boxes/tubs of items).

  1. After Sale Verification:  Please verify your unsold items within a couple of days after the sale as sorting errors do happen. If you have an item that doesn’t belong to you, or if you are missing an item, please let Karna know ASAP so resources can be returned to the rightful owner.
  2. “Free items” will not be accepted as it becomes a burden for volunteers to manage at the end of the sale. Please only bring sale worthy resources. Items that are excessively damaged or not related to the given categories may be removed from the sale and held for pick up.
  3. Note: All sales are final and we are not responsible for any lost or stolen items.


Karna Garman & Kim Lopez

Sale Coordinators

Important changes to note for 2019-everything in this document is important, but we thought it helpful to point out a few of the key changes for you and us

1)  ONE seller per address (household).

2) $0.50 is the new minimum price.  Tape 3 X 5 cards ONLY on 2 sides.

3)  15% of Sales Price now goes to SACHSN (up from 10%) – to cover increasing costs and future events for SACHSN.

4) Following Copyright laws and resale restrictions is the responsibility of the Seller.

5)  Please don’t bring back items you’ve had in the sale for the past 2-3 years that haven’t sold (non-sale worthy).

Added clarification of “musty and smoky smelling” items being non sale-worthy

5) Social Studies (New Category) – covers History, Civics, Economics

6)  Science officially includes “Health” materials


June 4, 2019
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Peoples Church, 4500 Lancaster Dr NE, Salem
4500 Lancaster Dr NE
Salem, OR
+ Google Map