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Polk County Home Educators Used Curriculum Sale

July 17, 2019 @ 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm


This is a wonderful opportunity to sell some of your curriculum, buy someone else’s, or both! 

Book Drop-Off

Drop-off for books will be Wednesday, July 10 from 12-4pm, or Thursday, July 11 from 12-1:30pm. If that window of time does not work, please contact  LeAnne McAllister (503) 837-9158 or Teresa Hicks (503) 798-6142 to make a special arrangement.

Seller Information:  To prepare your materials, each item needs the following information clearly marked on a 3×5 card and firmly attached: name (address labels work well), subject matter, title, publisher, grade level and price. Please price items in $.25 increments. Rubber band items together that are to be sold as a set and indicate the number of items in a set on the card. Please include your name and the number in the set on EVERY piece within the set. Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope with your materials so that a check can be mailed to you. (If you wish to have your materials remain anonymous, please contact LeAnna (503) 837-9158 or Teresa Hicks (503) 798-6142 for a seller’s number assignment.  If you have materials labeled with a seller number for another sale, please contact  LeAnna  (503) 837-9158 or Teresa (503) 798-6142 to register that number under your name for this sale.) Books must be picked up between 7:30-8pm on Thursday, July 11 or they will be donated to Goodwill. Please only bring those items that are education-related.

Buyers: If you are a PCHE e-newsletter subscriber, checks will be gladly taken. Otherwise, please be prepared to pay in cash.

Volunteers:  Many hands make light work…and you get to shop before the crowd!  We have different volunteer shifts so please contact LeAnne (503) 837-9158, RIGHT AWAY, to sign up. We can use a table setup crew on Wednesday at 12pm and others to help with book drop-off 12-4pm. On Thursday, we can use people any time between the hours of 12-8pm. Volunteer slots will be filled on a first come, first served basis.


July 17, 2019
2:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Dallas Alliance Church
775 Ellendale Ave
Dallas, OR 97338 United States
+ Google Map