Betsy Ray

Betsy Ray
Betsy is a warm, compassionate, and fun-hearted teacher. She and Brian have been married for 39 years and have eight grown children and eight grandchildren. All their children were homeschooled through their secondary years. Betsy helps teach her grandchildren, helps manage a six-acre farm, grows and preserves large amounts of food, is a part of local and statewide homeschool leadership, and is active in her church and community exercising her gifts of hospitality, teaching, and blessing other women. Betsy earned her B.S. in elementary education. She is also a key support to her husband, Dr. Brian Ray, in his international work as president of the National Home Education Research Institute.
Betsy’s Workshop Sessions
Life is a Bowl of Cherries
Life can be sweet, refreshing, and joyful. Do your children and spouse see God’s joy in you? Do they get refreshed by your joyful spirit? God gives us joy (Ecc. 2:26), He is our joy (Ps. 43:4), and He commands us to be joyful (Phil. 4:4) and full of joy (Jn. 15:11) regardless of our circumstances (Heb. 10:34). No matter your personality type, God wants you to bear His Spirit to your family. Come ready to be rejuvenated and encouraged to “rejoice in all to which you have put your hand, you and your household” (Deut. 12:7).
Does the culture own you? #IBELONGTOCHRIST
First Corinthians 1:12 is one of many scriptures reminding us we are not defined or directed by the cultures of the world. We have been bought with a price (Revelation 5:9). Betsy will talk about cultural influences and share some ideas on how the culture or cultures that own us influence our family life—especially our marriages and what and how we teach and train our children.