Beth Mora

Beth Mora

Meet Beth Mora, wife to one, mother to eight, nana to six, and counting. Her New York moxie communicates with enthusiasm— you can do it! And her zeal for your family’s success will fill your heart and charge you up to face the next year of homeschooling with confidence and passion. Beth pulls from her experiences as a Certified Rehabilitation RN, homeschool mom, co-op leader and teacher, and Marriage Ministry Director.

She is the creator, author, and on-camera teacher for Here to Help Learning’s Writing Program for grades 1-6. She loves blogging at Home to Home and is a staff writer for The Old Schoolhouse magazine and The Homeschool Minute. Everything she does, whether laughable or heart-gripping, is done to honor One, without apology. God’s grace is the salve that has healed her own life, and God’s grace is what she offers liberally to others.

Beth’s sessions:

  • Creating a Bright Future for your Junior High/High Homeschool Student
  • The Ten Habits of Highly Effective Writers
  • Finding Pieces to the Puzzle: Developing an educational plan for your student with dyslexia, dysgraphia, ADHD, and other special needs
  • The Joys of Multi-Level Teaching
  • Best Homeschool Curriculum Choice: Your Marriage (with Forrest Mora)


Creating a Bright Future for your Junior High/High Homeschool Student

Whether you are just starting homeschooling or have been homeschooling for years and are now entering the last leg of your homeschool journey, creating a bright future for your young adult can be a daunting task. There’s much to learn and talk about:

  • What’s the difference between independent and interdependent learning, and why does it matter?
  • How do you calculate credits for High School graduation?
  • How do you prepare a student for college learning and create transcripts?
  • What are internships, and why are they a game-changer for your student’s homeschool experience?
  • How do you create a positive homeschool experience filled with wonderful memories?

Beth mora, 30-year veteran homeschooler, mom of eight children, and presently homeschooling her Jr. High granddaughter, for an interactive workshop that promises to help your student have a bright future.

The Ten Habits of Highly Effective Writers

What’s your kiddo’s auto-pilot response to assigned writing projects? Is it, “I got this mom”? No? Then join Beth Mora, creator of the Here to Help Learning Writing Program, for a step-by-step plan to build great writing habits in your child, one habit at a time. Beth will present a prudent approach to forming ten great writing habits that will serve your children well and open opportunities for a successful future.

Finding Pieces to the Puzzle: Developing an educational plan for your student with dyslexia, dysgraphia, ADHD, and other special needs

Beth Mora brings her background as a case manager and certified rehabilitation registered nurse (C.R.R.N.) to this session. She is a student of her patients and has learned much from the families she has served. In this workshop, Beth will introduce the S.O.A.P. method to help you develop an educational plan for your child with special needs and help you locate that missing puzzle piece. Plan to leave this workshop feeling strengthened and empowered to continue your special needs journey.

The Joys of Multi-Level Teaching

Teach babies, toddlers, pre-school, elementary school, tweens, and teens all at once? Yes, of course, it’s God’s design. Multi-level teaching is where one lesson is taught to your entire family while still meeting each child’s individual needs. Multi-level teaching is a practical and effective approach to instruction and requires less time than separate instruction. Younger students benefit from being exposed to more advanced skills, and older students benefit from demonstrating their skills to younger students. It’s a win-win! Learn how to implement this teaching style into your family’s educational plan and create lasting memories.

Best Homeschool Curriculum Choice: Your Marriage

Your marriage is a living curriculum that daily instructs your children on marriage. Join Forrest and Beth Mora for a look at the unique challenges of a homeschool marriage. Beth and her husband, Forrest, are the founders and past directors of their church’s marriage ministry, which is still thriving years later. In this session, Forrest and Beth get real and practical. Take the time to invest in the one subject that will impact your child’s future even more than learning Latin or Algebra 2. You will walk away from this workshop just as excited about your marriage as you are unwrapping that new curriculum you just purchased.

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