by OCEANetwork | May 28, 2020 | Getting Started
When parents start to homeschool we like to encourage them to cast the vision and to know their WHY for homeschooling. Why do YOU want to start homeschooling? Having a concise statement that describes your “why” is something that can help keep you focused and...
by OCEANetwork | May 23, 2020 | Ages & Stages, Getting Started, Planning & Organization
In Oregon there are no legal requirements imposed upon parents about what to teach and when to teach it. This is a huge blessing and part of the homeschool freedoms that OCEANetwork works hard year-round to protect and expand! However, parents are often left wondering...
by OCEANetwork | Feb 20, 2020 | Alerts
Homeschoolers are now officially excluded from receiving Oregon Student Health Surveys. Help us spread the word about this update by sharing this post with your friends and homeschool groups. NOTE: Sign up for emails from OCEANetwork to stay up-to-date on this and...
by OCEANetwork | Feb 14, 2020 | Alerts
Our bill to end the discrimination against homeschooled graduates applying for Oregon occupational and professional licenses (HB 4059) is dead. The House Committee on Education’s leadership declined to give the bill a hearing. We do not know the reason. NOTE:...
by OCEANetwork | Feb 7, 2020 | Alerts
OCEANetwork needs you to ask the Oregon House Committee on Education by NOON this Monday, February 10, to amend HB 4132 to prevent state student health surveys from being sent to homeschoolers. Help us spread the word about this alert by sharing this post with your...